
EspressoWine is the 187 ml single-serve wine cup which gives the World of Wine Made In Italy a new format and a new way of drinking. Our Concept does not compete with the wine in bottle, but gives to wine the possibility to be drunk anywhere with the use of a simple glass in Pet, even where the glass is prohibited.

The wine is packaged in a protective atmosphere and in vacuum, and the glass in food PET is sealed hermetically without the use of specific adhesives thanks to a technology that is patented worldwide: the organoleptic qualities of wine are well preserved until the moment of consumption, ensuring a shelf life exceeding 10 months from the date of production.
In addition to our wines produced in a continuous cycle, our team of enologists is available to create customized products according to the needs of our customers and markets.
Our partners’ multi-year experience in the wine industry, our innovative concept and the flexibility of volumes for customization, makes the project EspressoWine unique, attractive and affordable for any type of client and project.